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2019: Bootcamp

Bootcamp: Running Windows on a Macbook

Background and History

Macbooks are desired in part because they are designed with quality in mind. Take in contrast HP notebooks, that are made of as much plastic as possible to reduce manufacturing cost, without too much consideration for durability issues. Instead of concentrating on hardware as a tool for planned obsolescence, Apple strives to use as little backwards compatibility as possible in their OSX/MacOS operating system.

Apple produces Bootcamp for those that want to run Windows on their Macbooks, either in a virtual macine, or as a separate boot option. The drivers are mediocre, maybe because MacOS is their primary focus, maybe because they don't want Windows on Macbook to become too popular? I didn't know this going into owning a Macbook, but during the era up to 2011, there were no slim notebooks that I know of in the 17“ size, other than Macbooks.

Steve Jobs was still alive, and he was a perfectionist who wanted his hardware to be the best. Since his death, the quality of apple hardware has decreased. Expensive parts to produce, like the Magsafe power connector, are being phased out.

ACPI Bootcamp Issues

Because the Bootcamp drivers are an afterthought, many issues are present, and people search for workarounds.

One issue I have had, is an incompatibility with the driver: “Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery”. I have found that my CPU races, so much that the system may lock up. I've had to boot into safe mode (keep tapping F8 during startup), in order to disable the driver in device manager. Uninstalling and reinstalling the driver didn't help. Resetting SMC or PRAM didn't help.

With the driver disabled, neither you or Windows knows what the status of the battery is. When the battery is depleted, the system will power off abruptly.

Searching the web, I found these threads regarding the issue:

I went on for a while with the ACPI driver disabled, and to my surprise, after a month or two, I tried enabling it again, and everything was fine. At least for a week or two. Resuming my search, I came across the following:

I invoked the registry fix below, described in the microsoft support article. I then reboot, and enabled the ACPI driver without issue. I hope it works for the long term. I didn't actually apply the hotfix, but will search for the download if the registry edit by itself does not work.

After you apply the service pack or the hotfix, you must modify the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ACPI\Parameters registry subkey.

To do this, follow these steps.

  1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
  2. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:

Note If the Parameters subkey does not exist, right-click ACPI, point to New, and then click Key. Type Parameters as the subkey name, and then press ENTER.

  1. Right-click the Attributes entry, and then click Modify.

Note If the Attributes entry does not exist, right-click Parameters, point to New, and then click DWORD value. Type Attributes as the entry name, and then press ENTER.

  1. In the Edit DWORD Value dialog box, click Hexadecimal, type 100 in the Value data box, and then click OK.
  2. Quit Registry Editor.

Update 20200519: I'm still having the issue, despite applying the registry fix. Still haven't applied the hotfix, but I find that the issue goes away, by turning the laptop off, then starting it up again on battery (power chord not connected). 10 seconds later I connect the chord, and Windows boots fine without a racing CPU.

The problem seems to happen when I disconnect the power chord, and connect it again some time later, but it doesn't happen every time.

Performance Hit

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information-technology/2019-bootcamp.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:33 by