The Universe As You Know It Does Not Exist by Astrum on YouTube 2023.

Warning… I never studied quantum physics. This is a review after also watching Light is Wierd also by Astrum 2024.

Space is hyperbolic because it is constantly expanding (expanding since the big bang). Timelines move away from each other in space. The faster an object goes, the greater it experiences the hyperbolic nature of space.

Though I'm always confused about the definition of “fast”. Fast relative to what? The point of singularity of the big bang? If all space is expanding, maybe “fast” only matters when comparing one point to another.

Light travels infinitely fast, but because space is hyperbolic we see it travel at a constant speed. That we see light travel at the speed of light is just our inability to exist in four dimensions.

This would explain the wave nature of light: for light, time in the human sense does not exist. Since light travels infinitely fast, the photon exists in past, present, and future. Thus photons traveling the same space interfere with each other in a wave like manner.

Why does light change from wave state to particle state if observed? Because the path has been fixed. Instead of existing along all points of multiple paths, light is now limited to existing at all points of one path.

Gravity works against the expansion of space. Instead of expanding, in a black hole space is contracting. Light travels infinitely fast inside the black hole, but the available paths do not leave the event horizon.